An ultimate Employee management and Document solution suitable for any type of business Organizations. This solution is ideal for managing employee related information, employee documents and different kind of office related documents and the expiry details.
This can save time, money by converting your important paper based documents into searchable electronic files.
Also you can track the expiry related details of any document. This will be an ultimate solution for Document scanning and archival. Its unique scanning facility allows you to scan any document directly to your computer and store, retrieve, print, fax and email your documents.
Key Benefits:- Complete Employee Information System
- Passport Control
- Employment/Visit Visa Control
- Labor Card Control
- Health Card Control
- Document Handover/Receiving
- Employee Annual Leave Due Alerts
- Employee Increment Due Alerts
- Trade License Control
- Tenancy Contract Control
- Any Other Document Expiry Alerts
- Document Search, View, Print, Email.
- Expiry Pop-Up Reminder
- Vehicle Registration Expiry Control