goBlue Consult provide services to improve organisation effectiveness and/or individual employee effectiveness as a whole. The purposes are to increase productivity, work satisfaction and profit for the client company at any specific phase during the growth and aging cycles of an organisation.

Consultants apply organisation and individual effectiveness strategies when there is a needs assessment, planning, growth, quality improvement, teamwork and other organisational changes.
Typical interventions are:
Organisational Assessment - An assessment and problem solving process aimed at improved effectiveness for the entire organisation or specific work units. The consultant helps the client organization identify the strengths and weaknesses of organization and management issues and works with the client in addressing problem opportunities.
Executive Development - One-on-one or group developmental consultation with CEO's or VP's to improve their effectiveness.
Performance Management - Defining and applying concrete goals as a road map to help an organization get where it wants to go.
Group Facilitation - Helping people learn to interact more effectively at meetings and to apply group guidelines that foster open communication, participation and accomplishment.
Managing Resistance to Change - Helping clients identify, understand, and begin to manage their resistance to planned organizational change.
Organizational Restructuring - Changing departmental and/or individual reporting structures, identifying roles and responsibilities, redesigning job functions to assure that the way work gets done in the organization produces excellence in production and service including job descriptions
Project Management - The general management of specific work, blending diverse functions and skills, usually for a fixed time and aimed at reaching defined outcomes.
Strategic Planning - A dynamic process which defines the organization's mission and vision, sets goals and develops action steps to help an organization focus its present and future resources toward fulfilling its vision.
Teambuilding - Improving how well organization members help one another in activities where they must interact.
Total Quality Management - Through work process analysis, teambuilding, defining quality and setting measurable standards, the consultant assists the organization in becoming more cost effective, approach zero-defects and be more market-driven.
Employee Effectiveness – apply strategies below when there are needs for employee improvement in skill, commitment and leadership
- Knowledge transfer - One or several different technical specialists team up with an OD consultant to design and install new equipment, work processes, work methods, or work procedures.
- Training and Development - Creating interpersonal excellence in public contact positions where the individual and the organization are expected to meet or exceed customer expectations
- Human Resource Management - Managing the function of hiring, compensation, benefits and employee relations toward systematic goals of the organization's morale and productivity.
- Workforce Diversity - Facilitating understanding between groups toward the goal where differences among people in an organization become the strengths for competitive advantage, productivity and work satisfaction